Workplace Wellbeing Conference to focus on nurturing a healthy workforce

Workplace Wellbeing conference 2022 - Connecting home and work - Wed 23 November 2022 - Comis Hotel and Golf Resort - Register at ‘Workforce Wellbeing: Connecting Home and Work’ conference will help employers build a productive and healthy workforce, highlighting the impact of home life on work.

The Workplace Wellbeing Group, a collaborative initiative between the private and public sector, has announced a varied programme for the conference, including topics such as cybersecurity, nutrition, mental resilience and household budgeting.

The conference will take place at the Comis Hotel & Golf Resort on 23 November, tickets can be purchased online.

Steve Boedt, a life coach, best-selling author, motivational speaker and international fitness presenter will be speaking at the event. Steve has received various international awards for his fitness instruction. He will talk about confidence and how it relates to your mental health, providing practical advice on building confidence.

Steve said:

‘We need confidence to take any step we want to take in life. Whether it is to start a new business, have a basic conversation with a stranger or just believing that you are enough.

It is all related to mental health. When you are insecure, you can create false stories about the world around you, which can cause a negative circle that leads to loneliness. Learning to build confidence in yourself is key to combating these issues.’

There will also be speakers from local organisations such as MAC Group and UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man. The audience will also get the chance to take part in some engaging optional lunchtime sessions.

Workplace Wellbeing Lead for Public Health, Lauren Gray commented:

‘Knowing your employees and appreciating that people have different lifestyles outside of work is crucial to a healthy workplace. This is key to this year’s conference topic as we look at the connection between employees’ health outside of work and how that relates to their job. We are very fortunate to have so many knowledgeable speakers both on and off island. We always try to encourage individuals from all sectors at this event so we can develop even better working relationships, creating a positive culture within organisations to make for a more productive and prosperous Island.’

If you want to get involved, whether it’s to join the discussion with colleagues around the Island, to hear about the latest events or to host a networking event for your organisation, contact

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-10-21.