Drink measure changes to come into effect this month

Reminder banner - significant changes to the legal measures of drinks including gin, rum, vodka and wine to come into effect on 30 September 2022

The hospitality industry is reminded that significant changes to the legal measures of some alcoholic drinks, served on licensed premises, will come into effect this month.

The Weights and Measures (Intoxicating Liquor) (Amendment) Order 2022 will mean smaller quantities of certain drinks, such as wine, gin and vodka, can be served from 30 September.

The Isle of Man Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is reminding licensees and managers of pubs, nightclubs, restaurants and other licensed premises to prepare and alter prices accordingly.

The changes apply to the following drinks, when sold for consumption on licensed premises:

  • Gin, rum, vodka, whisky and brandy must be sold in quantities of 25ml (or multiples) and NOT the current one fluid ounce (1/5 gill)
  • Fortified wines, such as sherry, port and Madeira, sold in the glass must be sold in quantities of 50 ml or 70 ml (or multiples)
  • All other wines sold in the glass are deregulated if sold in quantities of less than 75 ml

The law change regarding spirits follows feedback that it is increasingly difficult to track down the correct measuring equipment, as most other jurisdictions already use metric.

The changes to wine and fortified wines promote sensible drinking.

John Peet, Head of OFT said:

‘We recognise the argument to retain the Isle of Man’s uniqueness and in normal circumstances would wish to retain it.

‘However, a situation where illegal measuring instruments, or even a mix of legal and illegal measuring instruments, were used in licensed premises could not be allowed.’

Traders can discuss the changes and seek advice by calling Trading Standards on +44 1624 686500 or emailing fairtrading@gov.im.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-09-07.