Biosphere youth representatives sought

3 people walking on a wheat fieldAre you a young person aged 18 to 24 with a passion for ensuring the Isle of Man has a sustainable future?

Are you willing to give up some time to listen to and represent the voice of other young people in a positive way?

UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man, part of a global network of UNESCO Biospheres, is seeking two youth representatives to join its Stakeholder Partnership Group, which steers its work.

UNESCO Biospheres contribute to sustainable development, conservation and learning.

UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man delivers this via its strategy ‘Working Together for a Sustainable Future’ and its vision of ‘an Island where people and the rest of nature have a sustainable future’.

The work is steered by the Stakeholder Partnership Group, which has membership from the public, private and third sectors.

Youth volunteers will be asked to develop ways of gaining young people’s positive ideas for UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man and to represent these at Stakeholder Partnership Group meetings held twice a year, usually January and July, in the daytime, plus any additional meetings that are held.

Depending on the ideas they come up with, the volunteers will also help put them in to action. There may also be the opportunity to represent UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man at international level.

Clare Barber MHK, Vice-Chair of UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man, said:

‘Involving young people is important to the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme, which has held two global youth conferences to date. The Island has been represented at both of them, which is positive.

‘All Biospheres have different features, opportunities and challenges, especially given renewed global pressures.

‘We are looking for two young people who live in the Isle of Man who are passionate about our Biosphere and who want to contribute positively to it. They will do this by establishing ways of gathering good ideas from their peers, bringing them to meetings, and, if these ideas are agreed and can be funded, putting them into action, with lots of support, of course.’

For further information and details of how to apply, and what will happen after you apply, go to the Resources section of our website.

For a chat about this opportunity, please email and book a Zoom call, phone call or in-person meeting.

The deadline to apply is Friday 30 September.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-09-05.