Manx Reskill Scheme opens to applications from employers

Applications are now open to employers to join the Manx Reskill Scheme which offers employment opportunities to people with long term health conditions or disabilities who want to return to work.

Eligible employers will be matched with an individual through the Scheme, and can then claim a Reskill payment of 100% of salary costs for the first 6 months, 75% for months 7-9 and 50% of costs for months 10-12 (capped at the rate of Living Wage).

Treasury’s Disability Employment Service will match individuals to opportunities based on their skills, experience, preferences and aspirations, provide pre-employment support and coaching, and co-ordinating ongoing support and mentoring to maximise the likely success of the employment position.

People interested in the scheme will also benefit from an assessment conducted by the Isle of Man Government Occupational Health Service. Discussions will focus on the type of roles and sectors which might be suitable, along with any support that might help them.

Participation in the Manx Reskill scheme will be entirely voluntary. Benefit claimants will not suffer any detriment if they choose not to take part or if they withdraw after having enrolled.

Sarah Maltby MHK, Treasury Member with responsibility for Social Security, said:

‘I am delighted we are now in a position to launch The Manx Reskill Scheme which is an opportunity for individuals who have long term health conditions or disabilities to return to work, should they want to do so. It also provides for employers to benefit from financial support to recruit new talent to their organisation at a time when labour is in short supply.’

She continued,

‘For many people, securing appropriate, meaningful and rewarding employment with a supportive employer can be an important part of their recovery and an effective way to help manage any ongoing symptoms. This group of individuals are a potentially untapped pocket of talent within our community, and I am excited to see this scheme take off and change people’s lives, whilst supporting local businesses.’

Further information on the Manx Reskill Scheme and the application form for employers. It is expected that applications for individuals will open mid-August.

Anyone with queries regarding the Scheme can contact the Employment Services Team at

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-08-11.