Joint statement from Manx Care and Lloyds Pharmacy: Update on recent pharmacy issues in Ramsey

Lloyds Pharmacy has re-opened its St Paul’s Square branch in Ramsey, having been closed over recent weeks as a result of staffing shortages. The branch re-opened on Monday 1 August – however, customers are being asked to please be patient with the Lloyds Pharmacy staff there given that many of them are new.

Manx Care has been supporting staff at one of the other two Lloyds Pharmacy branches in Ramsey – on Parliament Street – over the last few weeks whilst St. Paul’s has been closed. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly recognise the Pharmacy team employed by Manx Care for stepping in and continuing to provide an important service in particularly challenging circumstances, and we thank the public for their patience. We would also like to express our thanks to Lloyds Pharmacy staff who continue to support the patients of Ramsey. Alongside this, we would like to recognise the impact the closure has had on the staff and patients of Ramsey Group Practice, including the increase this has caused to the workload of practice staff.

The Repeat Prescription Service (RPS), which was previously available at all Lloyds branches in Ramsey (where repeat prescriptions were pre-ordered by Lloyds Pharmacy from a GP surgery on behalf of the patient), will not be available for the foreseeable future. Until this is available again, patients should make arrangements to re-order their repeat prescriptions from their GP themselves, allowing plenty of time (preferably around a week) to ensure they have sufficient medication. Patients may wish to explore using the Patient Access app to order if they have this set up (instructions on how to set this up can be provided by your GP practice if you provide photo identification). You can also tick the required items on the repeat request form that comes attached to the prescription, and hand this in to your GP practice.

Whilst Lloyds Pharmacy will no longer be able to manage patients’ Repeat Prescription Service, patients can drop their orders into the pharmacy, and the team will make sure the order goes to their GP practice.

Please consider those living in your local community who may need a repeat prescription collecting for them and dropping to a pharmacy, and who may not readily have access to local or social media to receive this message.

Manx Care will continue to work closely with Lloyds Pharmacy and Ramsey Group Practice over the coming weeks to ensure continuity of service for those residents living in the North of the Island.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-08-03.