Government action leads to rebate for gas customers

Thousands of gas customers will benefit from a £58 rebate on their bills in the coming weeks as the result of the Isle of Man Government adjusting loans with Manx Utilities, which then charges Manx Gas.

Announced late last year, the arrangement was established following a decision to reduce the amount Manx Gas pays Manx Utilities each year in relation to infrastructure payments.

A binding contractual agreement has now been signed between Manx Gas and Manx Utilities, requiring the £1.4m savings to be passed on to customers in full.

Rebates will be received by all domestic and business customers which have used more than zero units in the preceding 12 months, excluding Isle of Man Government.

Cabinet Office Minister Kate Lord-Brennan MHK said:

‘Isle of Man Government has settled a way to deliver a rebate to gas customers, a commitment which was established during discussions in 2020. Now finalised, Manx Gas has confirmed that the rebate will appear on gas customers’ bills imminently.’

Manx Utilities chairman Rob Callister MHK said:

‘Manx Utilities has been able to assist Government to honour its rebate commitment to gas customers on the Island.  It is a very difficult time for many, particularly in relation to the energy crisis, and I hope this provides an element of comfort for those in difficulties.’

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-02-16.