2021 TT Races cancellation: FAQs

As a consequence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Isle of Man Government has taken the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Isle of Man TT Races.

We recognise that the cancellation may greatly impact our visitors and everyone associated with the TT, and have put together the following list of Frequently Asked Questions for those of you who may be affected.

We appreciate your patience and will be updating the following information regularly as and when the position becomes clearer and will help you wherever we can do.


Why has the 2021 TT races been cancelled?

The decision to cancel the 2021 TT Races was taken by the Isle of Man Government as a measure to protect the local population and visiting race fans from the ongoing effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The decision has been made at the earliest opportunity to provide clarity and certainty to all of the Island’s residents and visitors, as well as fans, riders, teams, sponsors, race officials and the various event stakeholders.

The TT is unique in requiring literally thousands of volunteers and officials across a wide range of organisations and needs months of proactive planning and we cannot responsibly move towards this and confidently commit to welcoming tens of thousands of people in June 2021 while the global pandemic is still active.

Whilst there are positive movements towards a vaccine across the world, and here on the Island we too are positively moving towards a local roll out programme, we are clearly still some way off before we fully understand what next year looks like in terms of travel and tourism.

The Isle of Man is currently operating a five-stage border framework and, at its current Level 4, does not permit travel to the Island for non-residents. The border framework would need to reach Level 2 as a minimum in order to deliver the 2021 TT Races and it is clear that we cannot confidently plan to deliver a strong event while border restrictions remain.

For the latest information on the Island’s border framework, please visit the COVID-19 website.

Why haven’t the 2021 TT races been postponed to a later date?

Before reaching the decision to cancel the 2021 TT Races, we evaluated all the possible options including postponement to a later date in the year.

Although this option broadly had the support of our sponsors, teams and riders, there are complexities and risks – including scaling up of certain infrastructure and critical delivery elements of the TT – which made this option unachievable. The Department for Enterprise had input from a number of travel and accommodation providers to assess feasibility of postponing the event and the feedback provided was that this would carry a significant amount of risk due to displaced existing bookings.

Why has the decision been made now?

We’ve been encouraged, by all interested parties, to make an early decision to give clarity and, reluctantly, that decision must be to cancel the 2021 TT. Successful delivery of the 2021 TT Races depends on a large number of organisations, volunteers, companies and individuals who are all faced with a number of logistical and geographical challenges that are almost unique in the world of sport. As a result, these factors ultimately determine whether the event can run or not – for instance, it takes over 500 trained Marshals to safely manage the 37-mile TT Course, the majority of which come from off-Island.

By making this decision early, we hope that the cancellation will minimise any impact to those people involved in making the TT happen as well as the thousands of others who are affected.

Will the classic TT and Manx Grand Prix races take place in 2021?

Although the decision has been made to cancel the 2021 TT Races, we are continuing to work with the Manx Motor Cycle Club towards delivering the Classic TT Races and Manx Grand Prix Races that are scheduled to take place Saturday 21 August to Friday 3 September 2021.

A final decision on whether these events will take place will be made in March 2021. 

For further information about the Classic TT Races, please visit the IOM TT website.

Will any other motorsport events take place on the Isle of Man in 2021?

It is ultimately a personal decision for individual event organisers whether they choose to run their events or not, as long as they are complying with any guidelines from Isle of Man Government regarding travel and quarantine.  You should contact the individual race or event organiser to determine whether they will take place.

Travel & accommodation

I have a sailing booked with the isle of man steam packet company for the 2021 TT Races  what do I do?

The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company has confirmed that it will be contacting all affected customers with existing TT2021 bookings to offer Priority Transfers to the 2022 TT Races on equivalent sailings (e.g. Friday 4 June 2021 = Friday 3 June 2022), or to advise on refund options.

To assist customers this will be an automated process and there is no need to immediately contact the Steam Packet Company as the list of options will be sent out via email within the first two weeks of December. Those that have not provided an email address will be contacted by telephone via the number provided at the time of booking. 

Amendment fees will be waived due to the current circumstances to allow passengers to transfer to the equivalent 2022 sailings.

New bookings or amendments for TT 2022 will now be possible from Tuesday 19 January 2021. This has been brought forward from May 2021.

I have booked a flight for the 2021 TT Races – what do I do?

Visit Isle of Man, the Isle of Man Government’s tourism board, is advising anyone with a commercial flight booked to the Isle of Man to review the airline’s terms and conditions and to contact the airline directly in the first instance.

Visit Isle of Man is currently working with airlines about TT 2022 and anticipates that a number of flight options and connections to the Isle of Man will be available to book next year.

I have booked accommodation for the 2021 TT Races – what do I do?

Visit Isle of Man has requested that all Isle of Man accommodation providers contact customers that have bookings for the 2021 TT Races to discuss the options available to them. This includes bookings that have been previously transferred from the cancelled 2020 TT Races.

If you haven’t been contacted by your accommodation provider, tour operator or travel operator, please be patient as they are managing the administration from the cancellation and working through the implications but Visit Isle of Man suggests that you contact the accommodation provider or tour operator if you haven’t heard from them by the end of January 2021, and to also refer to your own travel insurance to discuss the options available.

There is separate guidance relating to Camping and Homestay accommodation below.

For any further information, please contact accommodation.dfe@gov.im

I have booked camping for the 2021 TT Races – what do I do?

Visit Isle of Man is advising anyone who has booked with a campsite on the Isle of Man to contact the campsite provider to discuss the options available.

Should you require further assistance to resolve your booking, please contact accommodation.dfe@gov.im or call +44 1624 686663.

I have booked homestay accommodation for the 2021 TT Races – what do I do?

We are currently working with MiQuando, our Official Homestay Partner, and we will provide an update within the next 14 days regarding Homestay bookings via the Homestay website: www.iomhomestay.com.

The Homestay programme will be in place for the 2022 TT Races but it is entirely the decision of the individual homeowner as to whether they intend to make their property available in 2022. You should contact your homestay provider to discuss the options available.

If you have made a booking with an unofficial or unregistered accommodation provider, you should approach that provider directly. It is a legal requirement for all tourist accommodation to be registered with the Isle of Man Government and if you have knowingly booked with an unregistered provider then unfortunately we will be unable to offer any assistance. If you have unknowingly booked accommodation with an unregistered provider, please contact the Isle of Man Office of Fair Trading.

I have booked travel or accommodation through a 3rd party for the 2021 TT Races – what do I do?

You should check the terms and conditions of the third party that you booked your travel or accommodation with to discuss the options available.

If you have established that no reimbursement of any kind is forthcoming from the provider you should contact your travel insurer for guidance.

Please note that you may not be eligible for credit card refunds at this stage as the Isle of Man has yet to determine its border policy for the dates that the TT was due to be held. This means that your travel or accommodation provider may still be able to provide a service despite the TT Races being cancelled.

For any further assistance, please contact: accommodation.dfe@gov.im or call +44 1624 686663.

Can I still visit the isle of man?

The Isle of Man Government currently has restricted border access to the Island for non-residents (except key workers) since Monday 23rd March 2020 to support the Isle of Man’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this position is reviewed on an ongoing basis against prevailing global conditions meaning that the Island may be open to visitors by Summer 2021 when the TT was due to take place. Just because the event cannot take place does not necessarily mean that  border restrictions will not be lifted and visitors will  be allowed to travel to the Isle of Man.

For the latest information on the Island’s border framework, please visit the COVID-19 website.

I have booked with a tour operator for the 2021 TT Races – what do I do?

Customers who have booked via a tour operator should contact the operator directly to discuss the options available.

Should you require any further assistance, please contact accommodation.dfe@gov.im

I have a ticket for an official experience for the 2021 TT Races – what do I do?

No official tickets have been sold for the 2021 TT Races but if you have committed money to a third party operator as an advance on ticket sales, you should contact the third party to discuss your refund. 

If you have any queries about Official Ticketed Experiences please contact iomttraces@gov.im

Future events

Will the 2021 classic TT and Manx Grand Prix go ahead?

Although the decision has been made to cancel the 2021 TT, the Department’s Motorsport Team, Visit Agency and the Manx Motor Cycle Club are still planning for the 2021 Classic TT and Manx Grand Prix to take place on the scheduled dates – Saturday 21 August to Friday 3 September. A final decision on whether the 20201 Classic TT and Manx Grand Prix are due to take place will be made in March 2021. 

The 2022 Classic TT Races and Manx Grand Prix are due to run from Saturday 20 August to Friday 2 September.

Will TT 2022 go ahead?

We are focussed on delivering a successful event in 2022 if prevailing global conditions permit. The 2022 TT Races are scheduled to run from Saturday 28th May to Saturday 11 June 2022.

If you have any questions with regard to the TT Races that haven’t been answered or wish to provide us with any information on your situation please contact iomttraces@gov.im.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2020-12-03.