Education Bill to have first reading in Keys

The Isle of Man’s first major piece of education legislation in nearly 20 years will receive its first reading in the House of Keys on Tuesday.

If approved, the Education Bill will replace the current Education Act 2001 which came into force in 2004 and was further revised in 2009.

It follows extensive consultation with the public, teaching unions, head teachers and stakeholders.

The Bill will update the Island’s legislation to reflect changes in education practice both in the UK and other jurisdictions, as well as seeking to be progressive in many key areas.

Graham Cregeen MHK, Minister for Education, Sport and Culture said

‘the Education Bill will give the Isle of Man an education system that is ‘fit for the future.’

‘The Bill addresses the fundamental principles of education and the duties of the Department of Education, Sport and Culture,’ he added.

The new legislation will address matters including regulation of home education, regulation of school pupil catchment areas, inappropriate use of social media as well as school and pre-school inspections and tribunals.

The draft Bill was subject to extensive public consultation in 2019 with the majority of the near 600 responses supporting the underlying principles.

The Isle of Man Government met with all teaching unions at a series of meetings to consider feedback on what should be included in the Bill.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2020-01-28.